March Hedge a gram

Happy March!
     This is my monthly hedge a gram.  Creating is an everyday thing, and some days an idea pops into our head, and other days you take it step by step, adding a little, taking away a little, until a viable idea stands on its own.  I am working on a Gingerbread Baby story.  I liked the rascally baby so much when he starred in my 2001 book, The Gingerbread Baby, that I decided to make another adventure for him.  Working on my story has been more like the step by step version, although once I sat down to write my story, I didn't stop until it was all done.  I've been running a lot in preparation for a long race, so I juggled some ideas around while I was running.
    I tried to stay true to my cardinal rules for writing.  I should say right now, that probably everyone has their own rules.  First I don't write for my editor, for my children, for my grandchildren, for my husband, for teachers, for city children, for country children, or for children in other lands.  Can you guess who I write for?  I write for me.  It sounds selfish, but it's just how it works for me.  Luckily I have strong feelings about what I like and what I don't like, and I enjoy going back in time and remembering adventures and happiness from my childhood.  Which brings me back to my running.  I go to the next town to run, where I run in my old neighborhood.  I can remember where I fell off my friend Donna's new English bike, and which houses gave out the best Halloween candy.  I can even remember running away from home because I didn't want my dad to take out a splinter in my finger!
     My second guideline, after writing for myself is not to tell anyone my story until it's all written down on paper.  I think creating a story is like blowing up a balloon.  I need to fall into the special world I'm creating.  If I tell someone about the plot or the character or anything specific, it's like letting the air out of the balloon.
     After I wrote my story, I sent it to my editor.  She liked it but thought the middle could use a bit more work.  I will keep her comments in mind when I do a rough dummy of the book.   A dummy is a 32 page sketch of the story with pictures cartooned in.  The best part of my new book is that it has a good border idea.  It also has a big finale, which is one device I loved when I was little.
     I hope you will all try to do some writing this month, with artwork to go with it.  No one can tell a story with your special stamp on it but you.   Bye for now,

                     Your friend,

                      Jan Brett