Cat Logic

Activity Page

Carefully read the Cat Logic stories below. Complete the sentence in each box by clicking on the link that you think is right. You may have to read the story more than one time.

Story One

     A striped cat lives with Mallory. Mike has two cats named Oreo and Dylan. Ginny's cat is white and fluffy. Mallory has the only female cat. The green-eyed cat belongs to Ginny. Dylan's fur is short and gray. Oreo is a black and white Persian cat.

1. The green-eyed cat is ... 2. The gray cat belongs to ...
3. Mike's cats are ... 4. The female cat has ...

Story Two

     Four families live on the third floor. Apartment 301 has three black cats with white paws. There are twin Siamese cats that have blue eyes in apartment 303. The cat in apartment 304 just had five kittens, two are male, three are female. Apartment 302 has no pets. They would like to adopt a gray and white kitten from 304.

1. There are two cats living in ... 2. The least amount of cats live in ...
3. Apartment 304 has ... 4. The third floor has ...
