And The Beautiful Horses
--Houghton Mifflin--1981 |
Fritz And The
Beautiful Horses
Fritz was one of
the first books that Jan wrote and illustrated.
Its title describes the book perfectly as it is truly a book chocked full of the most beautiful
horses in the world.
Dedication: In Honor of
What makes this
book even sweeter is Jan wrote this book especially for some very special people.
See if you can discover to whom Jan
dedicated this book.

Comparing and Contrasting
Compare several
of Jan Brett's books to find how her writing and illustrations have changed over the years.
Math Connection: Subtraction With Regrouping
Share Jan Brett's
biography and other tidbits about her. Fact: Jan Brett was born in 1949.
Check the copyright date of each
book. Then subtract Jan's
birth year from the copyright year to discover Jan's age when each book was written. If you don't
have a collection of her books, use my book list or the list
from Jan's site.
Math Connection: Time Line
Using my book list or the list from Jan's site, make a Jan Brett's Book List Timeline.

Describe the
setting of the story using vocabulary such as walled city, bridge with arches, etc. Think of a time and place that this story might
have happened. Research to see if
there are any walled cities
Math Connection: Counting
Count the
beautiful horses in the book. You may include the pony that is not beautiful in your count.
How many did you count?
Agree to Disagree
Do you agree with
the author when she says the pony is
not beautiful? Explain why or why not.
Making Comparisons
Remember how many
horses you counted? Now go back
and compare those horses. Did you find two that looked exactly alike even though they may be
the same horse? What did you

Feelings Count
How did you feel
when the little pony had to stay outside
of the walled city because the citizens did not think he was beautiful?
Feelings Change
What happened in
the story that made the citizens change
their minds about the little pony?
Beautiful Is
What is beauty? What
makes someone beautiful?
The Ending
Did you like the
ending better than the beginning? Explain
why or why not.

Making More Comparisons
Jan's photograph
is on the book jacket of Fritz and
the Beautiful Horses. It is also on the book jacket of The Hat. Compare the two pictures.
Then stop and think: Has Jan's
writing and illustrating
changed? If so, how?

Drawing Horses
Try drawing your
own beautiful horse or perhaps the
little pony.
Make An Action Model
Make an action
model of a horse using the basic parts of a horse's body.
Resource: On the back cover of Drawing
Horses by Gill
Speirs-- Simon &Schuster--1983
Drawing Another Horse
another on your picture. This time think about the action model as you draw your
horse. Do you see any difference in the two horses?

Research and Classify
Research and study about horses to discover the different
types of horses. Resource: Horses An Abridgment of Harold
Roth's Big Book of Horses by Laura Driscoll--Grosset & Dunlap--1997
Match the horse stickers to the label
and description that best fits to make
your very own book of horses. Resource: The
Ultimate Horse Sticker Book--DK Publishing--1993
(Over 60 Reusable Stickers)
Flash cards
Make flash cards by placing horse
stickers on 3 x 5 index cards, labeling each,
and alphabetizing in a card file box.
Resource: Gift Box Stickers Horses--DK Publishing
(Over 100 stickers)

Ask An Expert
Invite an Equestrian expert to speak to
the class. Provide resources for students to
research their questions. Resource: Horses by Jackie Budd--Kingfisher--1995

Drawing Still Another Horse
Using horse collection figures as a
model, add one more horse to your picture. Which
horse in your picture do you like the best?
Why? Write a little story about your three

Activities Created By Shirley Wilborne |